Eric Goodman


Eric Goodman

Thus Spoke the Spectacle is a multimedia rock opera theater performance that documents the mainstream media’s manipulation of public discourse and perception to manufacture the consent and compliance of the American people. The project explores our numbing addiction to our new religion, Technology, and uses imagery from TV news, advertising, film, politics, celebrity culture, and war propaganda to expose the underlying forces driving the rampant militarism, consumerism, and nihilism infusing modern society.


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Thus Spoke the Spectacle is nothing less than extraordinary. As far as rock concerts, visual effects and social commentary go, this experimental work of performance art has hit every mark. Writer, producer and performer E.C. Goodman took a leap of faith and hit the nail on the head. This brilliantly staged display gives you an opportunity to step back and see something about our technological-driven society that you may be blind to—even though it’s right in front of your face. This performance presents cultural aspects of our society in a way that is sharp, smart and visually astonishing. This is a show that young people can and will rally behind.
— Times Square Chronicles


One of the highlights of the SENE Film, Music & Arts Festival was the performance of The Spectacle. The combination of creative original music with thought provoking images on film presented a unique sensory experience that was enjoyed by our audience which included independent filmmakers, musicians and artists. Regardless of your position on the political spectrum, their “story” hits home with current events images that seem to transition with each note emanating from Goodman’s guitar solos. I wish we would have scheduled another performance so that more festival attendees could enjoy the unique experience that is The Spectacle.
— Don Farias | Producing Director, SENE Music and Art Festival
The Spectacle is simply one of the most intelligent attempts to resurrect public discourse on the sorry state of our mass mediated culture that I have ever seen. And the music rocks, too.
— Peter K. Fallon | Professor of Media Studies, Roosevelt University
The Spectacle is rooted in classic critiques of modernity and mass culture from Nieztsche to Mumford to McLuhan to Debord to Chomsky. In conjunction with these texts, The Spectacle raises particularly interesting questions that can be followed up in the classroom. Particularly, students can evaluate the show’s attempt to use the methods of the spectacle to critique the ‘society of the spectacle’—can the master’s tools be used to tear down the master’s house? Is the message separate from the medium? This is rock and roll that might get people to read a book—think about exactly how rare that is.
— Kurt A. Jordan | Assoc. Professor of Anthropology, Cornell University
This collection of video clips brings to light a problem plaguing our race. So many of us believe the spectacle is reality, we deny ourselves the right to think on our own, outside the spectacle. I really enjoy and appreciate what you are doing with The Spectacle.
— David Burkett | Grand Valley State University


In order to remain independent and produce the highest quality critical content not subject to the censorship of corporate gatekeepers, The Spectacle is entirely audience supported. Your generous donations fund the creation of new content and future performances.